Sunday, February 23, 2014

Homebrew preview: No. 1 Squadron English Brown Ale

First all-grain batch!

The first homebrew on the new Unlicensed Bulldog page will be my first all-grain batch, "No. 1 Squadron."

My buddy Nick and I put it together a few weeks ago - it's just taking me a while to get to writing about it!  At the moment, it's in secondary for another couple of weeks to settle.  I've also got about 2 liters siphoned off into a separate flask along with a handful of leftover Northern Brewer hops I had on hand.

At racking, it was a little... bland, so we'll see what the dry-hopping does for it, and hope for the best.  I think my efficiency was way off, too, but I got sidetracked and never got a good record of OG.  Definitely need to pay better attention next time.

If it does make it out of secondary alive, it'll wear this label:

The little bulldog is wondering if the RAF would mind
if he hot-wired this beast and just took a short hop.  Just
over to Bristol for a couple of hours...

That's a reference to both the first all-grain batch - "No. 1" - and to No. 1 Squadron RAF, one of the first combat aviation squadrons in the world - and one that (coincidentally) flew brown-painted SAE5a fighter biplanes in WWI.  A good heritage for a good English Brown.

A writeup of the brew day will come soon, as will tasting notes once the beast is finalized.

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